
Rebalance your channels with ThunderHub

Rebalance your channels with ThunderHub

1. Select the peers that will be rebalanced.

Select an outgoing peer and an incoming peer.

  • The outgoing peer should have a higher local balance than remote balance
  • The incoming peer should have a higher remote balance than local balance
  • For the incoming peer you can see the average fees your partner has for all channels he has with you. Check to see they aren't to high.

Take into account that you are rebalancing through specific peers and not specific channels.

2. Select the fee to look out for.

You can choose between an amount fee or a fee rate.

  • Amount fee: The amount of satoshis you are willing to pay independant of how many sats you want to rebalance.
  • Fee rate: The max rate (ppm: parts per million) you are willing to pay. The final fee paid will vary depending on how many sats you rebalance.

3. Select the amount you want to rebalance.

You can choose between a fixed amount to rebalance or a target incoming liquidity.

  • Fixed: the amount of sats you want to rebalance independant of the current incoming liquidity.
  • Target: the target amount of sats you want to have as incoming liquidity.

If you leave this field empty, ThunderHub will try to move all the local balance in the outgoing channel to the local balance in the incoming channel.

4. Select nodes that you want to avoid. (Optional)

You can select nodes that you want to avoid during the rebalancing but this option is not mandatory.